Why People Blog Reasons

Why People Blog? Reasons For Blogging

People were writing blogs just to have fun and about their interest in the earlier time but now it has evolved to the great extent. Writing blog is the essential part for bloggers.

They used to write blogs for many reasons which can bring knowledge, happiness, skills, money and may be many other things.

It is dependent on the intention of the blogger who writes the blog. People seek for any information on the internet and find millions of blog consisting various topics. 

Top Reasons For Blogging:

Whenever people try to get engaged with the theory of blogging they try to figure out about the top reasons for blogging. All internet users are seeking about the intention of the people behind establishing their blog, why people blog? There are some most striking reasons for which people blog.

  • Improving Writing Skills:- Many people want to improve their writing skills through blogging. They try to write about different topics on their blog so that they can improve their way of writing articles. In today’s era of the time, there are many innovative approaches running in people’s mind. Everyone wants to make themselves skillful. Let us take an example of a student who is poor in writing articles and faces many problems to build his/her career then the student decides to set up a blog. By establishing the blog there are many dramatic writing ideas establishment can be done by the student. He/She can improve the writing skills by providing some time to the blog. The most interesting thing is the student will not get bored. There will always remain an interest.
  • Getting Knowledge:- Some people are knowledge freak. They want to learn more and more related to the topics of their interest. People try to gain more and more knowledge by any mean and blogging is the platform to do so. When anyone starts writing a blog then maybe there is nothing known to that particular person but as he/she starts and pursues forward in the field of blogging, packets of knowledge can be achieved. People try to learn about the topics for which they eagerly waited to know.
  • To Help Other Users:- Some people establish their blog to help others. Suppose you are an expert in SEO building techniques then you can set up a blog to teach others about these techniques. You can share your experience with many other knowledge seekers on the web. You can write about anything you are specialized in. There are millions of internet users who try to learn more about the topics of their interest.
  • For Networking:- You can meet many people through any blog worldwide. There are many opportunities to get in touch with many minded people who can help you in any way you are required. You can connect with your family and friends via any blog. If you have any blog then possibly you may meet many people who are interested in your blog. They will try to contact you to get more ideas related to the topics you have included in your blog. You too can ask about any topic at any other blog by commenting on their post.
  • Making Money:- Most of the people start their blog to make money online. Online business is a great opportunity to earn money and starting a blog is the trend continuing in today’s era of the Internet. People like to write on blogs but some people have the mindset only to make money from their blog which sometimes results in failure. To set up a blog needs dedication and commitment towards your blog. This is the dominating stuff among many reasons for blogging.
  • Just For Fun:- It is the tremendous reason why people blog. Many people start blogging just to have fun which later on converted into their passion. When you have the passion of something then you are capable of doing that thing with full dedication and originality. You can bring a new revolution through that in the field of blogging.
  • For Marketing:- This is also the major reason from many reasons for blogging. There are many companies who set up their blog to promote their product in the market through the Internet. They do marketing by providing effective knowledge of their brands. There are many blogs who do marketing of many products of various brands together. If you check around then you may find many blogs who are only for marketing. It is the reason why people blog?
  • To Make Change:- You will find many people who desire to make a difference in any particular field. They try to spread their knowledge through many means. At the present time, the internet is the biggest source for that. People start their blog to make other people aware. It is the strongest reason for blogging for such type of people. There are many people with unique thoughts which can bring revolutionary change to any particular society.
  • To Become An Expert:- Some people prefer this as the reason among many reasons for blogging. Blogging is the platform which provides you the opportunity to build yourself as an expert in any particular field. Suppose if want to become a writer then you can show your presence online through blogging.
  • To Share Your Thoughts:- There are many people who write a blog to share their thoughts and give their opinion to the seekers. Some people consider it as their moral duty to guide people with their knowledge. They try to explore their ideas about any particular topic. The reason why people blog can resemble to it.

Lastly Basic Idea About Why People Blog?

You have read many reasons for blogging above. Every person has a unique reason for blogging. Someone start any blog just for fun, someone does it because of their passion.

Many people blog for making money, other do it to share their thoughts. There are many different reasons for blogging to every individual who blogs.

No one can point out any other person regarding the way to blog. No, I hope you got your answer to the question why people blog? If you want to share any other reason I would like to hear from you.

by Ravi Chahar

A WordPress Professional and the LinkedIn Influencer. A coder by passion and a blogger by choice. WordPress theme development is his forte. He is your WordPress guy who will teach you how to solve WordPress errors, WordPress security issues, design issues and what not.

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  1. Hi Ravi,

    Very Thoughtful post.

    Many of my offline friends ask me — why do i waste so much time online. They have no idea about blogging and its benefits. They only think internet is for time-pass.

    Thanks for sharing!

    1. Hello Adithya,

      thanks for your concern as at least you have better idea about blogging and its benefits. You are right people think that internet is just for fun, timepass. May be they don’t have any clue regarding blogging.

  2. Great post, these are all definitely reasons I’ve heard for blogging and I’ve yet to meet someone who wasn’t happy blogging.

  3. Hi Ravi,

    there are a lot of reasons why people start blogging, and I think you covered the most important of them.

    One more reason comes to my mind which is to learn from others. While you are receiving comments on your posts, exchange ideas and get input from other users in your niche. It works the same the other way round, when you are reading what they have to share and comment on their blogs.

    Have a great day,


    1. Hi Torsten,

      I agree with your points that bloggers should connect with their commentators.

      Replying for the comments is very important to make connections.

      There are many other mistakes done by many bloggers which should be corrected.

      Thanks for taking time to say your words.

      Enjoy your weekend.


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